Assassination Classroom is a Japanese manga and anime series that follows the story of a powerful creature that threatens to destroy the Earth. The creature, known as Koro-sensei, becomes a teacher at a high school in Japan and begins teaching his students about assassination techniques while they try to find a way to kill him before he destroys the planet.
Assassination Classroom coloring pages are a great way for children to engage with popular anime series. These coloring pages feature characters from the series, including Koro-sensei and his students, and allow children to use their creativity to bring these characters to life. Children can choose from a variety of coloring pages that feature different scenes from the series, such as Koro-sensei teaching his students or the students attempting to assassinate him. These coloring sheets not only provide a fun activity for kids but also allow them to connect with the characters and story of “Assassination Classroom.”
children can find many available coloring sheets online for free on Coloringlib web.